European Countries Data and Rankings

Europe is a continent made up of a large number of countries, with their different capacities, policies, customs and situations. The socio-economic differences and contrasts are obvious at first glance, but diving into their numeric data from different angles allows to really compare the reality that characterizes them. 

The world's best quantitative measures and socio-economic and sustainability indexes covering 50 European countries* are placed next to each other, allowing comparisons from different perspectives, and with different methodologies.

The countries are ordered according to their result in the Best European Countries for Business ranking 


 Access the full spreadsheet on Google Docs here.
Send new available data or other suggestions here.

The Research Department of EuCham conducts regularly detailed studies of European data across a wide range of variables in order to provide a complete understanding of countries´ strengths, weaknesses and disparities. The comprehensive indicators are a combination of economic, sociopolitical and sustainability indicators. 

EuCham believes that scientific data and research should be freely accessible to all and easy to find in one place., giving everyone the right to seek and to access knowledge. With Lens On Europe policymakers, businessmen, researchers, etc. have the possibility to compare side-by-side essential information regarding European countries. 

In order to provide measurable and precise assessments of the whole European region, the research exclusively collects data from reliable sources and organizations. Unlike many other indexes and studies conducted by various organizations, the EuCham work distinguishes itself through the complete analysis of 50 countries. Contrary to the common practice of limiting to the study of Europe through the EU27 model (27 European Union member states), this collection offers a more complete overview of the whole Europe, with respect to its comprehensive socio-geographical borders.

* The countries considered are: those fully in Europe, plus those with at least some territory within the geographical boundaries of Europe (Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan), plus Cyprus and Armenia (two countries which, in spite of geographically lying in Asia, are socio-culturally, economically and politically associated to Europe). All together 50 countries, including microcountries.


The editors gathered the data from multiple sources - including the institutions’ official pages, articles from renowned organizations, national press pages from different countries, and Wikipedia articles regarding the corresponding institutions

The Research Department verified the accuracy of the data by cross-checking across several sources. Data on this page are thus information available in more than one source.


UN (United Nations), IMF (International Monetary Fund), Transparency International, The European House - Ambrosetti, World Economic Forum, World Bank, UNDP, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Heritage Foundation & Wall Street Journal, Cato Institute, Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, The Economist Intelligence Unit, V-Dem Institute, WIPO, Legatum Institute, Cambridge University, Social Progress Imperative, SolAbility, GGGI, Global Footprint Network.


A discussion regarding the Lens on Europe research is freely available on Spotify. Search for EuCham podcast, or use the direct link.

EuCham Research Department

Lens On Europe project


The information was gathered from multiple resources. Majority of data has been retrieved from countries’ government websites and institutions' official pages. The editors are not responsible for errors regarding institutions that did not answer/contribute to the research. In these cases, some data has been gathered from other sources.